6 photos

2475 E 74th Place

2 beds
1 baths

About 2475 E 74th Place

Lease Term: 1 year. Photos are an example of similar units within the building, actual unit may vary. Availability and pricing can change daily and vary by lease term. Please contact us to schedule a showing.
RentalSource last checked: February 11, 2025 at 3:57 PM ET
Listed by: BHHS Rentals, (312) 368-5300

Property Summary

Property Type: Apartment
Rental Fee: $1,686 - $1,860
Bedrooms: 2 beds
Bathrooms: 1 baths
Size: Inquire
Pet Friendly: Inquire
Listing Status: Active
ID: 80886790

Unit Rates

Name Beds Baths Sqft Rent
2W 2 1 - $1,686
1W 2 1 - $1,860

Additional Details

Apartment in Chicago for $1,686-$1,860 with 2 beds, 1 bath and located at 2475 E 74th Place in Chicago, IL 60649. The averaged rental price of $1,773 is $805 (31%) less than the average rental price of $2,578 for a 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Chicago, IL and $43 (3%) more than the average rental price of $1,730 for a 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Cook County. This apartment is in the Chicago Public School District and the nearest schools are Powell Elementary Paideia Community Academy and South Shore Intl Col Prep High School. 2475 E 74th Place was advertised by BHHS Rentals yesterday at 9:24 AM ET.

Affordability Calculator

Can I afford to live at 2475 E 74th Place?
2 bedrooms
10% Recommended 50%
Move the slider to select the percentage of your monthly income you're comfortable spending on rent. Typically, it's advised to spend about 30% or less on housing.
Recommended income
$67,440 /year
With your chosen rent-to-income ratio, an annual income of $67,440 is recommended to comfortably afford this 2-bedroom rental priced at $1,686 per month.
For more information on rent affordability, visit our rent calculator.
Apartment for rent
$1,686 - $1,860
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Property managed by:
BHHS Rentals
(312) 368-5300
Avoid rental scams - Situations involving wire transfers or a landlord who can't meet you in person can be red flags.

Learn more about 2475 E 74th Place

2475 E 74th Place, Chicago, IL 60649 - Apartment For Rent
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