Trusted By 35+ Industry Leaders and 25,000+ Property Managers

Used by 1.2 Million+ Interested Renters Who Submitted 2.8 Million+ Listing Inquiries

Homes For Rent in Trending Markets

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The RentalSource Difference
Your Trusted Rental Partner

Since 2004, we have connected thousands of tenants with their ideal homes and property owners with qualified renters nationwide.

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Nationwide Rental Availability

Explore hundreds of thousands of rental properties across all 50 states, ensuring you find the perfect home wherever you are.

Verified Property Listings

Listings are vetted to ensure accuracy and authenticity, providing potential tenants with reliable and trustworthy rental options.

Effortless Search Experience

Our user-friendly search tool lets you filter properties based on your needs, making your rental journey smooth and efficient.

Premium Listing Marketing

Property owners can utilize our advertising features to reach a wider audience, ensuring increased visibility and quicker vacancy fills.

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Frequently Asked Questions
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Discover straightforward answers that will help you navigate your rental journey or market your available properties.

Explore our FAQs
RentalSource, a division of Morgan Ventures, Inc., is a real estate rental marketplace founded by Ashley Morgan and based in Raleigh, NC. We are a proud member of the NARPM (National Association of Residential Property Managers) and have partnerships with many respected companies within the real estate industry.
We are based in Raleigh, NC. All our services and support are managed directly by our dedicated team in Raleigh.
We offer a user-friendly platform where tenants can browse and filter through hundreds of thousands of verified rental listings. Property owners can advertise their properties to a broad and engaged audience, facilitating direct communication between property managers and potential tenants.
We do not collect any money, such as commissions, deposits, or fees, on behalf of property managers. However, while we do not charge tenants for our services, some property managers and agencies that utilize our platform may charge fees related to the leasing process.
We prioritize your privacy, ensuring your contact information is only shared with property managers or landlords of rentals that prospective tenants have shown interest in.
Our revenue primarily comes from our listing advertising plans. Property managers, landlords, and real estate professionals pay to advertise their rental properties on our platform, ensuring their listings reach a broad and qualified audience.
We do not handle bookings or reservations on behalf of property owners or tenants. Our platform empowers property owners, landlords, and prospective tenants to engage directly with one another.
Ashley Morgan - Founder & CEO
“At RentalSource, we connect property managers and renters through a platform built on trust and transparency.”
Ashley Morgan
Founder & CEO
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