Homes For Rent in San Carlos, CA

1-13 of 13 rentals

Market Information for San Carlos

As of December 2024 the median rental rate in San Carlos is $3,708 which is $51 (1%) more than the median of $3,657 for San Mateo County, $1,409 (61%) more than the median of $2,299 for California and $2,111 (132%) more than the median of $1,597 for the United States.

  Median 1 Bed 2 Beds 3 Beds
San Carlos $3,708 $2,459 $3,476 $5,190
San Mateo County $3,657 $2,550 $3,471 $4,952
California $2,299 $1,724 $2,238 $2,934
United States $1,597 $1,236 $1,565 $1,989

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