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Houses For Rent in 67213

1-20 of 26 rentals available
Showing 1-20 of 26 rentals in 67213
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Market information for Wichita

As of November 2024 the median rental rate in Wichita is $903 which is $312 (26%) less than the median of $1,215 for Sedgwick County, $222 (20%) less than the median of $1,125 for Kansas and $694 (44%) less than the median of $1,597 for the United States.

  Median 1 Bed 2 Beds 3 Beds
Wichita $903 $670 $867 $1,173
Sedgwick County $1,215 $953 $1,169 $1,524
Kansas $1,125 $840 $1,088 $1,446
United States $1,597 $1,236 $1,565 $1,989

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