Homes For Rent in Chippewa Falls, WI

1-17 of 17 rentals

Market Information for Chippewa Falls

As of December 2024 the median rental rate in Chippewa Falls is $1,100 which is $38 (3%) less than the median of $1,138 for Chippewa County, $136 (11%) less than the median of $1,236 for Wisconsin and $497 (31%) less than the median of $1,597 for the United States.

  Median 1 Bed 2 Beds 3 Beds
Chippewa Falls $1,100 $803 $1,081 $1,416
Chippewa County $1,138 $850 $1,097 $1,469
Wisconsin $1,236 $934 $1,201 $1,572
United States $1,597 $1,236 $1,565 $1,989

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